The Kwabre East Municipality is renowned for its tourism potential. The main tourism attractions are the manufacturing and sale of traditional textiles such as kente and adinkra, woodcraft and artifacts. Ahwiaa is noted for wood-carving, Ntonso is also noted for Adinkra- making and Adanwomase, Wonoo, Bamang and others renowned for the rich kente-weaving.

Agriculture is one of dominant economic activities due to the number of people it constitutes about 40% of the aggregate household income. Agriculture in the district comprises crop (food and cash crops) and livestock farming. Many households practice a mixture of the two. However, most farmers are food crop farmers and mostly in subsistence basis.
The Kwabre East Municipality is made up of people with a homogenous culture. The people are mainly Akans of Ashanti region and the predominant occupation of the people is farming. In addition to farming, kente weaving, Adinkra making and carving of handicraft is a major source of secondary occupation. Petty trading and other formal forms of jobs are increasing as the District becomes urbanized.

According to the 2010 Population and Housing Census the Municipality has a population of 115,556 with an urban – rural split of 58:42. This implies that the Municipality has a dominant urban settlement structure and so the development strategy should promote effective management of the urban areas whilst managing the development of the rural settlements.